Sunday, April 28, 2013

Learning to let it be

This is something that I've been working on for years. :) It's in my nature to try to "fix" circumstances, or events, and at times worry excessively when things aren't going as I think they should.

I have been in a situation where I was giving, giving, giving to someone who was lost on their own journey and hurt me in the process, when I was getting not- so- subtle (screaming, even!) hints to let it be.  To part ways and restore peace in my own life. :)
(Huge sigh of relief when I was out of that one!)

I've stressed myself silly at times wondering how to fit in, make a difference, make an impact.

I've questioned if I'm doing everything that I could/should be doing to be who I'm meant to be.

More recently, I have been enjoying this blessed and super happy season of my life with my wonderful husband. And I'm still working on letting it be. :)

My blog readers probably don't know this one, unless you know me personally, but we suffered a miscarriage in November. After the loss of something that we were both so very
excited about and looking forward to so much, I found myself being really nervous when we found out we were (are!) expecting again. My husband will be a first time Daddy this year, just a bit before his 40th birthday. He's been waiting for this for a long time.
So, I worry. I worry about every little twinge, and symptom that doesn't seem quite "right".
Our gorgeous little Parker's due October 5th and so far everything looks perfect!
So, letting it be is something that I'm breathing in. I'm learning (slowly) to just relax and realize that life really can be (for the most part) beautiful, and peaceful.
I'm learning that it's OK to be really ridiculously happy. :)

I thought I'd write this all down because being mindful about the journey is important to me. :)
Let it's a lovely mantra for being mindful of each season and moment of our lives.
