Tuesday, December 31, 2013

This year.....

                                                    Image via the Tao of Dana 

This year….
Someone is going to marry the person of their dreams
Someone is going to be offered the perfect job for them
Someone is going to make a difference in someone else’s life
Someone is going to travel to Europe
Someone is going to rekindle a lost romance
Someone is going to become known for their talents and gifts
Someone is going to meet the best friend they’ll have for the rest of their life
This year…..
Someone is going to become a parent for the first time
Someone is going to believe in themselves and be blown away by what happens next
Someone is going to learn to stay away from toxic situations and the people that cause them
Someone is going to become ok with being blissfully happy for the first time ever
Someone is going to move into their dream house
Someone is going to start a new hobby that becomes enormously fulfilling
Someone is going to say “yes” to new experiences and “no” to being afraid to try
Someone is going to see that out-of-reach dream become reality
Someone is going to say good-bye to baggage and feel what it’s like to be free
Someone is going to experience things that become their favorite memories to reminisce about twenty years from now

Sounds like a great year, huh? 2014 is shiny and new and full of possibilities!

Every day of every year is, actually. ;) Any one of those “someone’s” could be YOU. What changes do you want to make this year? Make it your intention to grow and invite the new and positive into your life! Here’s to the best year yet! I can’t wait to see what happens for those around me. It’s so inspiring to see people living out loud!
Wishing you lots of light and love in this New Year!

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